
  • Shopware 6.5.x and above

Installation Steps

To install Google Login Plugin, follow the steps below.

Step 1: Download the package. 

Step 2: Access your web server directories and unzip and upload the Pits\GoogleLogin folder to the path custom\plugins 

Step 3: Run below commands on terminal. 

  • composer require google/apiclient 
  • bin/console plugin:refresh 
  • bin/console plugin:install --activate PitsGoogleLogin 
  • bin/ 
  • bin/ 
  • bin/console cache:clear 
  • bin/console theme:compile 

Product Specification

The Google Login Plugin for Shopware 6 simplifies the registration and login process for new and existing customers. New customers can register quickly by using their Google account, requiring only the addition of any missing information. Existing customers can seamlessly log in using their Google credentials if the email addresses match, ensuring a quick and convenient experience. The plugin also supports traditional login methods, allowing users to access their accounts with the email address associated with their google registration. This integration enhances user convenience and streamlines account management. 


  • Quick Registration: New customers can register swiftly using their Google account. 
  • Seamless Login: Existing customers can log in effortlessly with their Google credentials. 

Google API Configuration

Google requires that you create an external application linking your website to their API. Client id and Client secret are what we call application credentials. This application will link your website ( to Google API and these credentials are needed in order for Google users to access your website. 

 Figure 1. Google Developer Dashboard 

  • Fill out the project name and press create 

 Figure 2. New Project Creation 


 Figure 3. Credentials Dashboard 

  • Select External from User Type and press create. 

 Figure 3. OAuth Consent Screen 

  • Add the required details in the page and click save and continue 

 Figure 4. OAuth Consent Screen Settings 

  • Select Add or remove scopes and select the below selected scopes and press update. Then proceed to next step by clicking save and continue. 

 Figure 5. OAuth Consent Screen Scope Addition 

  • Skip the Test User addition and complete the consent screen configuration. 
  • The Resulting page (Figure 6) will be obtained. 

 Figure 6. OAuth Consent Screen (After Configurations) 

  • Publishing the app result to pop up (Figure 7). Click on Confirm 

 Figure 7. App Publishing (After Configurations) 

 Figure 8. App Published 

  • In Credentials Tab, Click CREATE CREDENTIALS and select OAuth client ID 

 Figure 9. Credentials Dashboard 

  • Add application type as Web Application and add required details. Add authorised redirect uri in the format baseurl/google-login-callback (If you have multiple store URLs, add each one individually) and click create 

 Figure 10. OAuth Client Id Creation 

  • After creation we obtain the client id and client secret which is used later for configuring in admin. 
  • At the Dashboard page, filter from Library > Social. Choose Google People API and enable it. 

 Figure 11. API Library 

 Figure 12. Google People API 

Administrator Configuration

  • Enable Google Login: Enable/Disable Google Login plugin. 
  • Client Id: Enter the client id from the google connect app. 
  • Client Secret: Enter the client secret from the google connect app. 
  • FE Google Login Button Text: Login button text to show in front end 

 Figure 13. Configuration Page 

How it works on Frontend

The frontend integration for Google Login involves adding a Google Sign-In button to your login form, loading the Google platform library, and configuring it with your client ID and secret. This setup ensures users can securely authenticate with their Google account, offering a seamless and password-free login experience. The integration also includes handling success and failure callbacks to manage user data and login status effectively. 

The Google Login template will be rendered only if the Client ID and Client secret are entered, and the Google login plugin is switched to "enabled." This ensures that all necessary configurations are in place for secure authentication. When these conditions are met, users can sign in/sign up seamlessly using their Google accounts 

 Figure 14. Google Login Template 

 Figure 15. Google Sign in Page 

 Figure 16. User Profile Page 

Important Notes

During the sign-up process, the default country for the billing and shipping address is set to match the shop's default country. The street address and city fields are initially populated with placeholder text (****). Users have the option to edit these addresses after completing the registration process. 

Supported Languages

English (United Kingdom), German 

Change Log / Release Notes

Version: 1.0.0: June 2024

Initial version 


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