1.0 Introduction

The Timesheet-Payroll Synchronization extension from PIT Solutions offers a seamless solution for synchronizing employee timesheets with their payslips, streamlining payroll processes and enhancing accuracy. With this extension, the total hours worked logged by employees in their timesheets are automatically integrated into the corresponding payslips, eliminating the need for manual data entry and reducing the risk of errors. This means that employees' earnings are calculated based on the actual hours or days worked during the pay period specified in the payslip, ensuring precise compensation and compliance with labor regulations. By simplifying the synchronization of timesheet data with payroll processing, this extension saves time, improves efficiency, and promotes transparency in payroll management for both employees and administrators.

1.1 Features

  • Version: 10.0 - 16.0:
  • Easy to install
  • Flexible.
  • Easy Salary computation 

1.2 Screenshots

Screenshot 1: Timesheet-Payroll Synchronisation configuration

Go to Payroll --> Configuration --> Settings

Here set the unit of measure which is corresponding to the Number of Hours in payslip Worked Days

Screenshot 2: Employee Timesheet

Consider the Timesheet of Employee Marc Demo

Screenshot 3: Employee Payslip

The timesheet details will automatically get filled in a new tab "Timesheets". This is based on the Start Date and End Date. You can also delete the unwanted timesheet entries 

There will be a new line in the Worked Days with the Timesheet hours details

Screenshot 5: Salary Rule

With proper configuration, you can use these timesheet hours for computing salary lines

1.3 Technical Requirements / Compatible With: 

Technical Requirements: Odoo Payroll, Timesheet.

Compatible with ODOO version 10 to 16

Release Note

Timesheet-Payroll Synchronisation For version 16