Product specification

PITS Backend Indexer is a Magento 2 extension developed by PIT solutions which enables admin users to update individual or all indexes manually from the admin panel easily instead of using command line user-interface (CLI). By default, Magento 2 provides command-line re-indexing functionality only which can be hard for the admin users who are not so familiar with the command prompt.


  • PITS Backend Indexer provides a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to re-index the indexes easily from the admin panel of the website.
  • The extension allows individual and mass indexing of the database.
  • Supports access control for admin users.


To install the Backend Indexer Extension for Magento 2, follow the steps below.

1) Download the extension.

2) Access your web server directories and unzip and upload the content of the zip file to app/code/Pits/Indexer directory.

3) Run the following commands from the SSH terminal of the server to complete the installation.

  • Enable the module - php bin/magento module:enable Pits_Indexer
  • Update the database schema - php bin/magento setup:upgrade
  • Generate and pre-compile classes - php bin/magento setup:di:compile
  • Deploy static files - php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
  • Clear the cache – php bin/magento cache:flush


Screenshots / Video

From the admin backend, go to System > Index Management

Reindex some indexers

  • Click to select the indexers you need to reindex.
  • Select Reindex
  • Click Submit

Manage User Roles

  • Step 1: Go to Admin > System > User Roles
  • Step 2: Add a new role resource. Fill in the role information section.

Select Index Management and Reindex roles at Role Resources section, then click on Save Role. 

  • Step 3: Set role users for admin accounts, then click on Save Role to finish. 

Technical Requirements / Compatible with:

Magento Open Source (CE) 2.3.x, 2.4.x

Supported Languages

English, German, French and easily customizable for other Magento supported language pack.

Change Log / Release Notes

Version: 1.0.6: July 2024

  • Compatible with Open Source (CE): 2.4.7-p1

Version: 1.0.5: March 2023

  •  Compatible with Open Source (CE): 2.4.6

Version: 1.0.4: October 2022

  •  Compatible with Open Source (CE): 2.4.5

Version: 1.0.3: June 2022

  •  Compatible with Open Source (CE): 2.4.4

Version: 1.0.2: January 2022

  • Compatible with Open Source (CE): 2.4.3
  •  Updated copyright information

Version: 1.0.1: January 2021

  • Compatible with Open Source (CE): 2.4.x.

Version: 1.0.0: May 2020

  •  Compatible with Open Source (CE): 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x, 2.3.x
  •  Stability: Stable Build
  •  GUI to re-index the indexes.  
  • Access control for admin users


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